Cut Time is the band’s management and email communication system. The student account must be created before a parent account can be created. September 2019: Student accounts have already been created. Financial information is still in the process of being moved into Cut Time.
Begin typing your school or group name in the Subscribing Schools/Groups field: Akins High School Band
Your position is Parent
Complete the form with Parent email address and Parent phone number
Check the "I'm Not a Robot" and "Accept Terms and Conditions" boxes
Submit the form by clicking the "Register Now" button
Once your profile has been approved by the directors you will receive sign-in information by email. Parents, once your membership is approved by the director you may link to your child's account within the profile menu.
How To... add the AEB Calendar
What is the schedule for High School Band or Color Guard? When do they need to show up? A detailed and constantly updated schedule can always be found at the Calendar tab of the Akins Band webpage. Password is eagleband18. Use the dropdown box (little triangle) at the top right to see which calendars are included, and uncheck to boxes for any you do not wish to view. Always include AEB Main. Press the plus sign at the bottom right to add these calendars to your personal Google calendar.
How To... sign up for communications
How can I receive all the necessary communications? There are several communication methods the directors and boosters will use to send out information:
Remind: @aeb2020 (or your student’s graduation year) to 81010
This is the primary communication method. Please sign up so you won’t miss important info!
Weekly Newsletter: Mr. Onibudo sends this out on Remind every Sunday.
This is the day that students and parents visit multiple stations within the band hall. Parents can learn more about all aspects of the organization, sign up for communication lists, find out about money-making opportunities. Students can choose their meals for tailgating. Bring your credit card or checkbook, as this is the day you will be paying for fees and supplies for the year. This is mandatory for all students.
What are the Band Boosters? Very simply put, the boosters are a group of parents like yourselves, with varied skills, who support the overall band program. We do that in many ways. We feed, clothe and water the young eagles, through tailgating, uniform maintenance and the Water the Eagles Program. We protect them to keep them safe when they are away from the nest with chaperones at all off campus events. We also do fundraising, and organize volunteers in coordination with the Band Directors. The Boosters work very closely with the teaching staff communicating both to the staff on behalf of parent concerns, and passing important program information from the band directors. Most importantly, the Boosters are a part of the band. We are the support backbone of the Akins Eagle band program.
How can I help? We have many areas where we need your help. It is not necessary for you to commit a lot of your time, but if each parent can commit to just a few hours over the course of the season, we will be able to accomplish so much more to support the overall program. (See the Volunteering section below.) Booster Membership dues are an important part of supporting the band program. Regular members have the privilege of making motions, voting, and holding office. Proceeds from the tiered membership drive will be used to fund Scholarships for Akins Seniors and need-based scholarships.
How do I get information? We hold a booster meeting every month at the school (see the Booster Meetings tab of this website for schedule). All parents are welcome to attend. We send out volunteer opportunities on the Signup Genius page. We also send out messages via the directors on Remind. You can reach out to any of the booster board or committee leads by email at any time.
How can I get involved? The Akins Band Program is blessed with a wonderful Booster Organization that supports and assists the Akins Band in being the best it can be! While your students may not tell you this...they want you around! These positions are not only available to parents, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. All volunteers must submit to the AISD background check.
Please see the Volunteering google form below to provide your information, or click this link: Some volunteering options:
For all football games and competitions, we need 1-2 parents to ride each bus and sit in the stands with the students. Perk: You don’t have to drive yourself to the stadium or pay to get in.
Pit Crew
For all football games and competitions, we need 6-8 parents to help the front ensemble percussion students (pit) move their equipment on and off the football field. You can ride the student bus or drive yourself. Perk: You get to watch the show from the track.
For all football games and competitions, we need 2-4 parents to serve the tailgating meals to the students. For games, this happens at the school before we leave. For competitions, this happens at or near the competition site.
Spirit Items
Sell spirit wear items at our home games.
We can always use help with our fundraising efforts to make money to support the AEB students.
Oversee the student leaders in the uniform crew keep the uniform room organized, and assist in uniform fittings.
Do you have a special skill or connection? Talk to our boosters about how you can help.
All volunteering opportunities are posted on the Signup Genius page. The high school band experience is for your student AND you...get involved!
How To... start the AISD background check
Follow this link: See instructions HERE on how to sign up on the website to complete your background check.
You should receive a confirmation message, as well as a confirmation email. Please forward that email to [email protected] so I know you have completed the process. Thanks!
How To... make money for band fees
Akins Band and Color Guard is fortunate to have opportunities for families to pay for band or color guard by working concerts at Circuit of the Americas/Austin 360 Amphitheater. This fundraising can be used to pay for many band/guard expenses, including fair share, the trip and private lessons! We make it easy to work events—including carpooling! What opportunities are there for me to earn money for my band account? Circuit of the Americas (COTA): We work concession stands at soccer games, concerts, races and more. How much can I earn at each event? Average payouts are $75 - $100 per event, depending on how long the event is. This money goes directly to YOUR STUDENT’S band account. What do I need to start working? To work these events, you must be at least 18. You also need TABC certification and a food handler's license to work most events. A cheap and easy way is to do it online at . The cost is usually $20. After this is done, please email your certificate to the designated booster—contact information is below. See specific details in this document. COTA is really far away, I don’t know what to expect and I don’t know how to sign up!!! A group text is set up for each event, to coordinate carpooling, check-in times, and other information. If you have any questions about an event you are working, answers are a text away. Signing up for events is easy— an email is sent out each time an event is added, or you can look on the band website. Please see the below for more information! Who can I contact if I have more questions? Isabel – [email protected] or 512-573-3749 How do I sign up? You will need to create a free SignUp Genius account at: After your account is setup, you can sign up for events on the band webpage:
Look for the orange Sign Up Genius box toward the bottom right and click it
Click on the event that you are interested in
After you have clicked on an event you are interested in working:
The top of the page will have information about the event such as the date and times it is happening, check in time and what to wear.
There is information about who to contact if you have more questions. Someone is ALWAYS available to answer any questions about how to sign up!
The bottom part of the signup will show the available slots for the event. It will give information about if you need to be TABC certified, and the age limit.
Click the “SIGN UP” button and fill in the information!
In the comment field, please enter the name of the student you are working for.
This specific sign up has a place for parents to sign up, and a waitlist or place for non-parents to sign up. Parents and guardians always have first choice on events!
How To... launder the marching uniform
Marching Band Uniform Care and Cleaning Band Uniforms may be dry cleaned or washed at home.
Washing Instructions:
Remove middle silver/blue snap-down inserts from jacket. You may use Febreze or other odor eliminating sprays on the back side of the inserts if needed. Place inserts, gauntlets, and your shako wrap in the outside pocket of your garment bag.
Machine wash gloves, jackets, shirts, and bibber pants in cold water on the gentle or delicate cycle. (You may use “Spray and Wash” or other non-chlorine stain removers before washing, if needed.)
Hang to dry IMMEDIATELY.
Once completely dry, hang all pieces of your uniform on a hanger and place inside your garment bag. Place gloves in the outside pocket of your garment bag.
DO NOT… …soak uniforms, as this causes damage to the buttons …dry uniform pieces in the dryer …use bleach or any other chlorine cleaners
How To... sign up to carpool/ride share
Would you like to be able to carpool to rehearsals / other band functions? Are you a driving upperclassman that would like to help underclassmen? Please complete the Google Form below to have your information added, or go to
The information will be compiled into a Google map, which will be posted to a SECURE part of the AEB website, that requires a password to access.